Sioux initiated a cycle of additional exclusive events to dive deeper into relevant topics in the Future of System Engineering.

Theme session: Servitization (Technologies & Trends)

In many industries, emphasis is shifting from selling products to selling innovative product service systems (PSS). Enabled by sensor technology and digitalization, these PSS rely on remote monitoring, extensive data sharing, and predictive analytics. It requires a different, more holistic systems engineering approach. Providers adopt the ‘servitization strategy’ to escape the commodity magnet, expand customer relations and allow for more continuous cash flow from ongoing contracts. However, despite the rapid growth and potential of technology-based services, getting customers to accept them continues to be a challenge.

Ed Nijssen is a Professor of Marketing at the Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship and Marketing (ITEM) group of the School of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology and holds a PhD from Tilburg University (The Netherlands). His research interest focuses on marketing and sales of new products, service marketing, entrepreneurial marketing, and international marketing research. He has published over 80 articles on these subjects and is the author of Marketing Entrepreneurship (Routledge) and Marketing Strategy (Noordhoff).

You can download the presentations here:

Watch the presentations

Throwback to the Hot-or-Not: The Future of System Engineering

Sioux Technologies hosted the Hot-or-Not event on the Future of System Engineering. More than 200 attendants followed the presentation live at Sioux or via our live stream. Given the outcome of the poll, this topic is very ‘hot’ indeed! Read more...


Got inspired? Do you have questions left about these topics or are you curious about how you can contribute actively to the future of system engineering? Please contact Arend-Jan Beltman or Martine Dubling, organizers of these Hot-or-Not sessions, for more information.