Bidisha obtained her PHD in Computer Vision & AI from KU Leuven early 2019. After her studies, she looked for a job where she could work with smart colleagues on mathematical modelling on a daily basis. She found this as a mathware engineer at Sioux.

Bidisha: ’I get to work on a lot of cutting edge projects, where I can really make a difference. When you are working in the field of mathematical modelling, you are often involved in a very early stage of a project. Most of the time there is just a concept and a lot of uncertainties in this research phase. We use our extensive data knowledge to let the customer make better decisions for the future. My work can add real value to the progress of a project and the design choices that are going to be made.’

’I get to work on a lot of cutting edge projects, where I can really make a difference.’

My ideas count

‘Not only the customers, but also the organisation appreciates different views. They are open to innovating and we are actively encouraged to come up with new ideas. This helps us to push boundaries within Sioux and for our customers.’

High-tech family

‘What I really value about Sioux, is the social aspect. Family and partner are also involved in activities, this feels rare to me. Also, the connection with colleagues and the compassion shared goes beyond work. Your personal life is taking into consideration when needed. I also feel that in the things Sioux does for the international employees, like me. Sioux is really making an effort to include everyone and make them feel at home.’


Bidisha's Top 3 reasons for choosing Sioux:

  • I Get the chance to work on a variety of challenging projects

  •  I work within a club of very nice and smart people

  •  My ideas are really appreciated, I feel listened to

Seats to Meet

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