Cloud technology has become mainstream. We use all kinds of Cloud services both in business and in our private lives, often without knowing it. But is this all? Probably not, if we look at the activities of major players such as Microsoft, Google, IBM and Amazon.

On Monday 23 September 2019, Sioux was with its head in the clouds during the Hot-or-Not. Steven Bryen, senior technical evangelist at Amazon Web Services spoke about the latest trends in cloud technology in front of 130 guests in the Sioux event space. They all gained insight into the innovations and trends within the world of Cloud technology and how terms like IoT, Data Analytics and Machine Learning fit into this. Sioux's own Cloud expert Michael van Kampen was the host of the evening and made sure the Hot-or-Not ran smoothly.

After an evening of inspiration there was faith in the future of cloud technology. The topic was voted HOT! Next to the applause,  AWS speaker Steven, received a Google Speaker as a thank you gift :-)


You can check out the full presentation here.