The challenge

High voltage modules are proven solutions for high-tech challenges in many markets. Applications range from accelerating and detecting particles for material research to electrostatic wafer tables.

But how do you maintain the knowledge of analog high voltage electronics in your team? What effect do discharges have on the life time expectation of your module? Do you have safe and compliant facilities to integrate your modules into systems?

The solution

At Sioux, we view the development of high voltage modules as a system expertise. We base our development for your challenge on years of experience in developing and assembling customer modules. We take into account both technical and economic aspects of your module development.

Our high voltage competence team specializes in multidisciplinary solutions for various applications. We combine knowledge of analog electronics, components, materials, housings, and modeling of the electrostatic field.
We use our own components database, focused FEM analyses, and specific outgassing models for high voltage in a vacuum. We have developed production techniques that include vacuum potting and lifespan testing.


Sioux supports customers with a system approach for high voltage modules. We investigate feasibility, develop, produce, and deliver. Our approach pays specific attention to the robustness of your module, ensuring an optimal return on your development investment.


Dedicated facilities

To create products safely, Sioux develops according to the UL/EN 61010-1, UL/EN 62368-1 standards. Our high voltage lab is designed to comply with the NEN-EN-IEC 50191 and IEEE std. 510-1983 standards.

High Voltage Services

Actively maintained competencies
We specialize in low-power high voltage with very high stability and accuracy.
Multidisciplinary knowledge
Knowledge of high voltage in a vacuum, including component and material usage, outgassing, mechanical module integrity, and mathematical field modeling.
Multiple Markets and Applications
We have experience in various applications including electron beam modules for material research, discharge modules for advanced light sources in lithography, and electrostatic wafer clamping.

Contact our experts for your High Voltage challenge