The challenge

How do you meet the increasingly stringent application requirements in the roadmap of your semiconductor or complex laboratory equipment? High-speed positioning at the nanometer scale or visualizing atomic structures place extremely high demands on the sensors and actuators of devices, particularly in terms of data processing between these systems.

Complex system calibrations, based on physical models and the integration of real physical sensor data, are often necessary for high-tech products to reach the limits of system specifications.

The solution

Metrology Software provides intelligent and effective software components for data acquisition, diagnosis, and optimization, as well as powerful software tools for data management and reporting. It delivers models, determines essential parameters for the setpoints of all relevant subsystems, and verifies and diagnoses many aspects of system behavior. Metrology Software enables the manufacturing, maintenance, and monitoring of systems through measurement and measurement analysis, aiming to meet the expected performance properties of the system.

To achieve this, Sioux has developed the ADACA architecture: acquisition of measurements and sensor readings, long- and short-term data storage, algorithms and computations on the data, control of component behavior and execution logic, and actuation of motors for movement or other physical quantities.

We have experience in various applications, including lithography and e-beam data processing for wafer production and inspections, in both front-end and back-end semiconductor applications. Additionally, we have expertise in complex calibrations of electron microscopes and advanced digital imaging applications in medical devices and pharmaceutical applications, such as digital pathology systems.


Sioux supports clients with a systems approach to (high-speed) data acquisition and processing in metrology software systems. We conduct feasibility studies, design, develop, integrate, and maintain these systems.

Metrology Software Services

Technology-independent and multidisciplinary
We are not tied to the solutions of a single partner and focus on the specific requirements of a system. In addition, we possess unique expertise in complex signal processing thanks to our talented mathematicians. This ensures that we are always up to date with the latest technologies, allowing systems to achieve optimal performance.
Future-proof development partner
Our knowledge of available technologies ensures long-term, sustainable choices. Our product life cycle services safeguard your investment over time. We develop, maintain, and ensure the continuity of your product deliveries.
Multiple markets and applications
Due to our experience, we are able to understand the context of your problem and arrive at the right solution more efficiently.

Contact our experts for your Metrology Software challenge